Monday, April 9, 2012

Helping Myself, Helping Others

Hello Everyone Again,
So today I had a few realizations about why I really want to lose weight. It was kind of inspired by this one blog  I have read, I thought of one of this today during class. The desks in some of my classrooms are so small, that it is uncomfortable sometimes to sit in them. It also makes it hard to keep everything on the desk. This is one of the reasons I have decided to lose weight. I am sick of having to deal with these types of issues, or constantly worrying about them. I need to do this in order to help myself. But I have also figured out a way I can help others with my workout. While on my walk, I found a plastic bag, and decided to pick it up. After that, I picked up whatever other trash I came upon on my walk. I have decided that I am going to do this on all my walks. So that this way I am not only helping myself but also helping others. Until next time.
3 glasses of Milk
Vanilla yogurt with Granola and Craisins
Cinnamon Muffin
1/4 cup Pineapple
Hotdog w/bun
Oikos Raspberry Greek Yogurt
PB&J Sandwich
1/2 Bologna sandwich
1 cup of Pears halves
1/2 cup of Tuna Pasta Salad

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